
Normalcy, Banana's, and Freaks.

Hello there lover,

I'm afraid it's time for a change around these parts. For starters, I have selfishly squatted on my own domain name without putting it to good use for quite some time. Granted, I have been incredibly busy juggling a couple of summer classes, work ( hissssss) and my labor of love, you!

I am beyond grateful to the gracious, kind, *normal especially talented guys I have had the pleasure of meeting. I'm not blowing smoke up ya ass! I can honestly say, without the least bit of pause that I am having the time of my life!

I believe that is one of THE underlying traits that every superb companion has. She absolutely enjoys what she is doing. There are quite a few personality traits that I imagine you have to sift through before finding "The One".

The Pillow Princess

The Bitter

The Downtrodden

That leaves us with the precious few that actively sought this adventure out. I know, inquiring minds want to know why did I seek this out. It's a long story. Let's just say my curiosity with the "taboo" piqued my interest at the tender age of ten.

I come from a wonderful, loving, and supportive home. My household was chock full of laughter, love, and humor. So when I approached my folks with the idea of covering Josephine Baker as the topic for a written class assignment, no one blinked an eye. Lol

Matter of fact, I can recall my father whistling in a low "she was a bad.....boy shut your mouth" kind of way as my mother smirked.

I remember my mother's enthusiasm for my open mindedness. She practically yanked me by the arm and drug me to the library. I don't know who was more excited. Her or me!

My siblings were reserved, predictably good kids. I was the one that dared to be different. Subsequently, my views for the taboo, the under dog, the unpolitically correct were cherished.

My mother was the sternest flower child ever. She would demand all of her children to have respect for every single living creature, plant, ant, or discarded cigarette butt that we happened upon.

The moment I decided to channel Josephine Baker was a defining moment in my life. I read accounts of her courage, strength, vulnerability. I saw a pioneer. Albeit, scantily clad.

Ever since then I have acquired quite the taste for bananas and freedom of expression.

As an adult I decided to let my freak flag fly! I refuse to quell my desire for intimacy, passion, and friendship. More importantly, I will not apologize for who I am.

The next time you encounter a woman in this profession that appears to be lonely, angry, frustrated, tense, or suspicious realize this. Perhaps she wasn't encouraged to explore the very innate nature of the human experience. Hand her a banana and a link to my blog.

Once we are rid of the guilt and expectations of society at large can we begin to fulfill our desires, resulting in euphoric child like happiness. If you are viewing this and feel completely devoid of happiness and pleasure, I openly extend my hand to you. Either my exuberance will be contagious, or I will annoy you silly! *shrug* Lol

Join me in this journey of self discovery. You are never too young nor old to begin a new chapter.

* Normal! What's "normal"!!! Isn't using the word normal a form of hypocrisy! You just stated at length why you aren't normal!! Yasmin what GIVES!

Elementary my dear Watson. I used the phrase normal to sum up routine, Allow me to briefly expound on the thought.

Normalcy in this industry is my barometer to gauge behavior. Nothing more, nothing less.
I am open minded to fetishes and fantasies. I have developed a few along the way. Lol
Normalcy is what I have to offer to an extent. I am not dangerous, foolhardy, loud, crass, or vulgar. I am not a "whore". I am not a blow up doll. I am me. With a particularly interesting twist!

I will wrap up this entry, walk my dog, grab a few groceries from Safeway. You will probably walk pass me! Hahahaha.

This is what I meant by "normal".

Yours Truly,


I'm now enthusiastically accepting new clients. Reservation form is officially re-opened.

Hey there ladies and gents. (Because let's face it, chick's dig me, lol) I've received several messages. Where are ya? W...